You were driving to Appleton and they came out of nowhere. Now your car is ruined, the bills are piling up because you can’t get back to work, and you can barely get out of your chair. 

Someone else’s reckless behavior has deeply affected your life. But how can this person be held responsible for what they’ve caused? 

If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver in Wisconsin, Natasha Misra Law is here to let you know more about how the driver could be held responsible in different court systems. 

The Civil System for Wisconsin Drunk Driving Injuries

The civil system focuses on holding the drunk driver accountable by seeking financial compensation for the damages and injuries you've suffered, while the criminal system deals with punishing the drunk driver for breaking the law.

In the civil system, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the drunk driver to seek compensation for: 

Medical Expenses: You can recover costs related to medical care, including emergency room visits, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any future medical treatments needed due to the injuries caused by the accident.

Lost Wages: If your injuries have caused you to miss work, you can seek compensation for the income you’ve lost during your recovery. This may also include compensation for any reduction in your earning capacity if your ability to work is permanently affected.

Pain and Suffering: This compensation covers the physical pain and emotional distress you have endured because of the accident and its aftermath, including ongoing discomfort, anxiety, and other forms of mental anguish.

Other Damages: Depending on the details of your case, you may also be able to claim additional damages, such as property damage, loss of enjoyment of life, or punitive damages aimed at punishing the drunk driver for their reckless actions.

A skilled Milwaukee car accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

The Criminal System

On the other hand, the criminal system is responsible for holding the drunk driver accountable for their actions. If the driver is charged with operating under the influence (OWI) which is commonly referred to as driving under the influence (DUI), they may face criminal penalties such as fines, license suspension, or even jail time. While the criminal system aims to punish the wrongdoer, the civil system focuses on providing you with the financial relief you need to move forward.

Get Skilled Legal Representation in Milwaukee Today

Being hit by a drunk driver can have lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences. By getting legal guidance from Natasha Misra Law, you can rest assured that your case is in capable hands.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation. Let us help you through the legal process and secure the compensation you need to recover and continue. Reach out now and get a lawyer who’s not just another suit on your side.

Riding a motorcycle is fun, but it can also be risky because of the actions of others on the road. Unlike other vehicles, you don't have much protection if you crash. Additionally, riding a motorcycle can be dangerous on roads with a lot of potholes or if you're riding in unsafe weather conditions. Below are some tips for staying safe while riding.

Staying Safe on a Motorcycle in Wisconsin

  • Take a Safety Course: Riding a motorcycle requires good judgment and skill, and a safety course will help you achieve that. A motorcycle safety course will teach you the rules of the road and what to do in unpredictable riding situations.
  • Wear Appropriate Gear: The right gear will protect you from debris, road rash, and the elements. Your gear should feature a helmet, leather jacket, eye protection, leather pants, over the ankle boots, and non-slip gloves. Appropriate protective gear can significantly reduce the risk of injuries or fatalities.
  • Keep Your Bike Maintained: Replace the air filter, change the oil regularly, and maintain your bike's tire pressure. Inspecting your motorcycle before you hit the road is also a good idea. Check your turn signals, headlights, taillights, fuel, brakes, handlebars, and mirrors.
  • Stay Alert: Being aware of your surroundings and riding defensively can prevent motorcycle accidents that could be caused by dangerous driving.
  • Maintain a Safe Distance: Riding too closely behind another vehicle is unsafe. It is advisable to stay a few seconds away from the car or motorcycle in front of you. This allows you enough space to stop during an emergency. Additionally, you should always have an escape route in mind if you cannot stop in time.
  • Be Visible: One of the most significant mistakes riders make is assuming they are visible to other motorists. Most motorcycle accidents are a result of drivers not seeing the motorcycle. You can stay visible by avoiding other motorists' blind spots, driving with a headlight, and wearing reflective clothing. Using your hand and turn signals can also help ensure you are visible.

Common Motorcycle Road Hazards

  • Distracted or Drunk Drivers: Although it may not be easy to identify if someone is drunk driving, it is wise to be attentive to your surroundings and take appropriate measures.
  • Rain or Snow: The hazardous weather can create slippery and unsafe road conditions. Avoid riding while it is raining or snowing.
  • Tar or Debris: Since tar has a different texture from asphalt, it can compromise traction. Additionally, parts of tire treads and other debris on the road can be hazardous to motorcycles.

Contact a Milwaukee Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

If you or your loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Wisconsin, working with a Milwaukee motorcycle accident attorney is in your best interest. 

At Natasha Misra Law, we are equipped to offer the guidance you need to know whether you are entitled to compensation. We will provide the representation you need to pursue compensation if you qualify. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Natasha Misra

My law practice is dedicated to helping people who have suffered injuries in accidents which were not their fault. Born and raised in Milwaukee, I come from a family of medical professionals. My background and experience help me understand and represent individuals injured in accidents.